I’m Val, a retired senior now residing in the beautiful and friendly city of Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada. (And yes, that is me peeking at you out of my computer monitor!)

This is my personal website where I share topics of interest, articles that tickle my fancy or something I simply enjoy viewing and sharing.
Please note that all titles in the top-bar and side-bar (including the images) are clickable. If you click a link in any article you are reading, just click the back button to get back to where you were. (There are no commercial ads or affiliate links on this site.)
I hope you will find something of interest and that you will take everything you find here in the spirit in which it is intended; that being with love and respect for God, His Holy Spirit and Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. And for all God’s creation, which each and every one of us share in this journey we call life!
While you are here, I hope you find something to brighten your day that will give you a chuckle, something to ponder or something that will touch your soul.
If you need something to do while avoiding whatever it is that you should be doing, have fun poking around while you are here.
May the Lord bless you and guide you should you seek to draw closer to Him!