The story of God’s encounter with Moses in the burning bush in Exodus 3: 1-16 was a theophany, a divine manifestation of God to man.
This Old Testament biblical account of Moses and the Burning Bush was the first time the word ‘holy’ was used in reference to God.
It was the first time God revealed His holiness to man in a way He had never done before.
The burning bush, as a powerful symbol, represents God’s miraculous energy and sacred light that represents God’s burning heart of purity, power and love to mankind. Moses was so awed by this experience that later when he wrote his famous victory hymn, he made sure to mention this divine attribute of God:
“Who among the gods is like you, O LORD? Who is like you—majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?” (Exodus 15:11)
Val’s ‘Burning Bush’ is an optical illusion.
I made this short video clip in our back yard when we lived in North Algona-Wilberforce Township, Ontario, Canada.