The biblical account of creation in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, is both fascinating and much debated.
Each of the two following presentations offer differing perspectives regarding these Biblical account of creation. Both are long but well worth the time to consider.
The first talk is by Dr. John Lennox.
The second is by a Canadian Astrophysicist, Dr. Hugh Ross.
Each offers insightful perspectives regarding the scientific and theological implications of Genesis 1.
Please note that there are a plethora of other creation scientists present differing Christian and non-Christian perspectives on this complex topic. Most are worthy of our consideration as we evaluate our own perspectives and formulate our own conclusions.
I am thankful for this privilege.
The scope of Dr. Lennox’s knowledge, his insight, and of course, his delightfully Irish accent and mischievous sense of humour really bring this presentation to life.
The following video presentation by Dr. John Lennox was given at a meeting of Socrates in The City, in New York several years ago. (The video is 1 hour and 30 minutes long.) The introductory session to this talk is light-hearted and entertaining and is presented by the host of this meeting. (About 10 minutes.)
You can fast forward the video to start at ten minutes if you want to skip the intro.
John’s presentation begins at about the 10 minute mark and the last 10 minutes or so of the video are devoted to questions from the audience. John’s answer to the last question is brief and very apropos.
I hope you will enjoy this informative and delightful presentation as much as I have.
The second talk provides a fascinating and detailed scientific presentation about the process of creation. It is 48 minutes in length.
This presentation is by Dr. Hugh Ross, a Canadian Astrophysicist. It is challenging and informative. Dr. Ross is the founder of the Reasons to Believe website, where this talk is posted.
This presentation will be of interest to anyone wanting to learn about and understand the different theories presented by different religions regarding the origin of the universe and how they compare to the biblical perspective.
My hope in posting these talks is that they will encourage each of us to examine for ourselves the Biblical account of creation and form our own opinions accordingly.
It is worth noting that there are many scholarly critiques of both Dr. Ross and Dr. Lennox’s point of view.
I am thankful for different opinions. Each of us has the privilege to read and search the Bible for ourselves and to test the spirits and hold fast to that which is true.
We do so by asking the Lord for wisdom as we seek to draw close to Him through prayer and by reading and studying His word, and by taking the time to research and examine the basis and validity of our own opinions and conclusions.