
Ezekiel is one of the more difficult books in the Old Testament to read or understand. It is full of strange symbolism, especially to the cultures of our times.

However, when the symbolism is explained it really helps bring to life this awesome Old Testament prophetic book.

In the New Testament, the counter-part of the book of Ezekiel is the letter of Revelation to the Seven Churches.

Revelation is also full of symbolism and is difficult to understand, and more-so, with our modern day mind set. (And lack of understanding of the Nation Israel both in Biblical and present day times.)

Yet each of these books are there for a purpose. That purpose is to inform and bless us as we come to understand the mysterious ways in which the God of the Bible moves, both in history and in human hearts.









The following link is to David Pawson’s downloadable MP3 messages on
Studies in Revelation
