
On a lovely summer day in 2022, a friend and I had lunch together at the Steinbach, Manitoba Fly-In Golf Club restaurant. It was a beautiful sunny day and we enjoyed having our lunch on the patio overlooking the greens. When we got into the car to leave, the key refused to turn in the ignition. The steering wheel was locked. I jiggled the steering wheel and tried other tactics attempting to get it to unlock. To no avail. We were stuck!

Being the philosophical sort, I said to my friend: “Well, things always happen for a reason, even if at the time we don’t know what that reason is. But I’m sure we will soon find out”

We did.

In a matter of seconds!

While we sat there trying to decide what to do, I noticed a man walking past the row of cars parked in front of us. I quickly jumped out and called his name. He stopped immediately, so I asked if he could help get the steering wheel dislodged. And so he did! With a big grin on its stubborn face, my rebellious traitor Volkswagen complied almost immediately!

I knew the man’s name because each week he does Feel Good Fridays for local businesses.

Corny made it seem so simple—just turn the key in the ignition and the steering wheel would unlock. The problem was, the key would not turn in the ignition for me, no matter what I tried.

HOWEVER, it quickly decided to behave itself with Corny at the wheel. I think it might have been in cahoots with him!

(And yes, I do know that I should make sure the front wheels are straight before I turn off the ignition!) And they were. At least I think they were? 🙂

Here’s a link to the short ‘Feel Good Friday’ video we inadvertently became a part of. My friend is the one shown in the screen capture below. I was waltzing around on the pavement! Enjoy!


Corny Remple is a very kind, talented and well known local celebrity.

If you haven’t already met him, here is link to his website: Corny Entertainment

Here’s a link to just one of Corny’s fantastic Elvis impersonation videos:

What fun!


Thanks also to the Steinbach Fly-In Golf Club Restaurant for a lovely lunch on your beautiful patio!

It has been fun sharing this unexpected and comical experience that happened on such a lovely Prairie morning in August, 2022!

Feel Good Fridays are a wonderful event that is held each week in Steinbach! Kudos to the Steinbach Auto Dealers for their sponsorship of these fun surprises and to Corny Remple and his helpers!

Steinbach Manitoba is a lovely place to visit and to call home. I moved here in May, 2017. My husband arrived on July 21, 2017 when our little cottage home overlooking Wilber Lake, near the quaint village of Eganville Ontario, was sold.

Here’s a link to some Steinbach photos that I took during the first two summers we were here:

Steinbach Photos, 2017, 2018

More Photos here:

Steinbach Photos

Thanks for visiting!