
I don’t like wearing a mask. Nor do I like social distancing. Or any other restrictions on my freedom for that matter.

I also do not like getting sick.

So if wearing a mask just might protect myself or someone else from getting sick, I will wear a mask.

However, I do find it difficult to understand those who refuse to wear masks. Or who refused to practice social distancing when the pandemic was most rampant.

The public health restriction laws of the state, province or country during the pandemic were mandated to prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus; they were not implemented to restrict our freedom.

Those not of the Christian faith or who do not follow the teachings of the Bible may be a bit more aggressive in defending their so-called rights from ruling authorities. I can’t answer for them, but I acknowledge that yes, they do have the right to do so.

But opposition from fellow believers? That is something that I do have trouble understanding.

As a believer, I need and want to be concerned for others, which means putting their needs and concerns before my own. I also want to obey biblical mandates.

Here is a link to small sampling of what the scriptures say about those in authority over us:

Biblical Teachings About Respect For Human Authorities

Some additional passages from scripture:

Remind them to be subject to rulers, to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good deed. (Titus 3:1)

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. (1 Peter 2:13-14)

Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Mark 12:17)

I know Christian believers are not under Old Testament Law, but even in old Testament times restrictions were implemented according to the disease symptoms individuals were experiencing in order that contagious infections would not infect others within the community. The infected individual was not even permitted to stay with his or her family, but was forced to live ‘outside the camp’ while infected with the disease.

In ancient times, the term leprosy was used to denote many different types of highly contagious diseases, not primarily (though it also included) the disease of Leprosy as we know it today.

Here is just one of the biblical restrictions detailed in Leviticus that is similar to the restrictions that have been instituted during today’s Co-Vid pandemic restrictions:

LEVITICUS 13: 45, 46

45 And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent and his head bare, and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean.

46 All the days wherein the plague shall be in him he shall be defiled; he is unclean: he shall dwell alone; without the camp shall his habitation be.


Leprosy in Biblical times often referred to different types of highly contagious bacterial diseases that were usually fatal.

Is this not exactly what our government mandated by enforcing the use of masks and social distancing in public places? Covid was an unprecedented situation. Rightly or wrongly so, masks and social distancing was an attempt to restrict this spread deadly virus.

I am very thankful for those who do wear masks and practice social distancing. So I will do the same for them. But I won’t like it!

It is not the masks or the restrictions that are the enemy in this battle.

It is the virus!

Having said that, the following is an article by Steinbach Manitoba City Counslellor Micheal Zwagstra that is well written and factual. I both appreciate and support his point of view:

Steinbach City Councillor Michael Zwaagstra used his opening statement at Tuesday’s council meeting to take on religious exemptions for COVID-19 vaccines.

Zwaagstra started by highlighting conscientious objectors during World War II. He says to gain this exemption, conscientious objectors would have to go before a judge where they were grilled on their theology and why their faith should keep them from taking up arms.

He says religious opposition to COVID-19 vaccines would not stand up to the same scrutiny.

“While some Christian denominations such as Mennonites have long-standing pacifist beliefs that trace back for centuries, there is nothing in the Christian faith tradition that prohibits vaccination. The simple reality is that any Christian who objects to the COVID-19 vaccines is doing so out of personal preference and not because of anything taught in the bible.”

Pointing to another commonly mentioned moral objection to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, Zwaagstra says some Christians have claimed that these vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue. He notes the people who make this claim are mistaken.

Though they are tested on fetal cell lines, Zwaagstra said that there is no fetal tissue in them.

“The cell lines used in the testing process were grown in a laboratory and are based on aborted foetal cells collected decades ago. Specifically, the HEK 293 fetal cells used for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are based on an abortion that took place in the Netherlands in 1973”

Zwaagstra notes this goes to show that the production of these vaccines does not lead to any increase in abortion rates.

He adds “if you boycott the COVID-19 vaccines you will also need to avoid drugs such as Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin, Claritin, Tums, Benadryl, Robitussin, and Pepto Bismol. These drugs were all tested on the same HEK 293 fetal cell line as the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.”

Furthermore, Zwaagstra says even Ivermectin was tested on these HEK 293 cell lines.

With all that said, Zwaagstra says this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the right to refuse.

“To be clear, there is nothing wrong with opposing vaccine mandates. Many people, including myself, are uncomfortable with the way that people are being forced to choose between their jobs and their personal beliefs. There are good reasons to be legitimately concerned about government overreach in this area. Nevertheless, we must remember that accepting or refusing a vaccine is a personal choice and not a test of religious faith.”

Referring to another Pandemic in the 1950’s, I am so thankful that parents decided to take me to be vaccinated when polio was rampant in the 1950’s. I screeched blue murder when the nurse applied the vaccine. But I didn’t get polio, either despite my vociferous protest of its scratchy application that was foisted upon me against my will.

My friend’s parents, after much consideration, declined having their daughter vaccinated.

She contacted polio in 1955, about the same time I was vaccinated. She has been in a wheel chair ever since.

She spent many of her childhood years in a Sanatorium. As a result of contracting this disease, she was left with the ability to move only her left arm and the use her left hand.

Her whole life has been spent in a wheel chair being cared for by others. But she is spunky, has a brilliant mind and she is wise. She is truly a joy to know, and yes, her name is, in fact, Joy.

Joy has done amazingly well in life despite her limitations. Yet I was so sad when she told me how she had loved swimming, and could no longer swim, or dive, or play in the ocean, lake or river after getting polio.

She can hardly move on her own. Yet she made the best of her situation. She has had an amazing career; she is talented and has found ways to use her talents, and she is married to an caring man who loves her dearly.

Joy is truly an amazing person. I am in awe of all that she has accomplished and especially, of her positive outlook on life!

Myself and many others have been so blessed by her! At the same time, we quietly grieve for her physical restrictions because of a choice made by her parents. Parents who loved her dearly. And who did what they sincerely thought best for her.

They did their research and felt that all things considered, they were making the right choice for their daughter out of their love for her. After carefully researching the pros and cons of getting vaccinated, they chose not to have her vaccinated because they deemed the risk of getting the vaccine outweighed the benefits. I probably would have done likewise!

When we humble ourselves to wear a mask and practice social isolation for the benefit of ourselves and for others, what a small inconvenience that is.

Yes, we have freedom of choice. But there are limits to many of those freedoms. While I am free to drive my car, I am not free to drive on the wrong side of the road. (Unless I live in the United Kingdom that is!)

We need to respect other’s opinions just as we want them to respect ours.

However, sometimes compromise (as well as discretion) is the better part of valour!

Especially if it may prevent infection, illness, suffering and even death!

I respect, and try to understand other’s points of view.

I hope you will try to understand and respect mine, as well.

Differences of opinions are not easy to reconcile. I understand that.

My hope and prayer is that each of us will come through this Co-Vid pandemic stronger, more resilient and more caring for the needs and welfare of others than we have ever been before.

Here is a re-print of an allegory that proposes yet another view. It was posted in the Arnprior Chronicle Newspaper in Ontario, Canada at the height of the pandemic.

By Jennifer Trott

Arnprior Chronicle-Guide, Thursday, February 10, 2022

To the Editor:

Protesters against lockdowns and mandates bring to mind an old episode from the “Alfred Hitchcock Hour” television series. Briefly, a man comes to the door and a lady answers. He says I have $10 million for you but there is one condition.

The woman is extremely excited but inquires about the condition and he tells her that if she takes the money, one person, somewhere in the world, will die.

She thinks about this, reasons that people die in volcanoes and earthquakes and other catastrophes every day and decides she will go ahead and take the offer.

The man tells her she has 24 hours to decide. When he returns the next day she says yes to the money again and the donor hands over the cash.

“Now you have your $10 million the stranger says, but I have bad news for you. Your husband has died in a car accident.”

The horrible realization then hits her that it is her own spouse who has paid the price for her new-found riches.

This story is analogous to the situation where lockdown and mandate protesters insist that we must all set aside the masks, the vaccinations, the mandates and the lockdowns and just let nature take its course. If people get sick and die, then so be it. The world must go on. We will finally gain herd immunity and begin to live our lives again, the way we used to. But at what price? The stranger might say to them: “We will stop all the requirements for this pandemic, but only if you agree that someone somewhere will die.”

The protester might say: “That is understandable — people die every day.”

They might insist that this is the best way to allow life to get back to normal.

But… in their hearts are the protesters saying: “Please do not take my child. Do not take my parent or spouse, or best friend. Do not take my grandmother.”

Those who die must come from somewhere else!

However, those who die do not come only from somewhere else.

They come from our own communities and from within our own families. They fill our local hospitals. They are someone’s grandmother or a sister’s five-year-old son.

That is why the safeguards against this virus are put in place!

The virus is the enemy, not the citizens and leaders around us who are forced to make terribly difficult and unpopular decisions every day.

Our leaders and scientists communicate to us daily on how to best control, confront and discourage this COVID horror that we are living through.

I ask nothing of the protesters who have come to some of our cities to stand against mandates.

However, I pray that before those who decide not to comply with what our society has put in place to fight this virus they ask themselves with total honesty whether they themselves are willing to pay the awful price that is demanded by the stranger at the door?

By: Jennifer Trott
Braeside, Ontario

Thank you, Jennifer!

It is a sobering thought to acknowledge that not one person reading this will be here to experience the next 100-year Pandemic. Just as we cannot remember the last one that occurred in 1918. Unless we are centenarians, that is! (That’s you, Christina! Big hugs heading your way from Prairie Gal Val…!)

In the time we do have, my prayer is that each one of us will do our best to see that everyone has a chance to live their life to the fullest each day, despite the masks and restrictions.

We are all marching unceasingly toward our individual finish lines!

Let us ALL finish well!

On a lighter note, if indeed there can be a lighter note about this dreadful pandemic: If you would like to read a short story with a comical twist, written by Lucy Maude Montgomery during the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, please check the story that I posted here: THE QUARANTINE OF ALEXANDER ABRAHAM (The story takes a few paragraphs to get going, but is truly a delightful read. The story is about a 15 minute read.) Enjoy!