Vision of beauty! there floats not a cloud
O’er the blue vault of heaven thy glory to shroud;
The star-gemmed horizon thou spannest sublime,
Like the path to a better and lovelier clime.
Thy light, unreflected by planet or star,
Still widens and brightens round night’s spangled car;
In radiance resembling the moon’s placid beam,
When she smiles through the soft mist that hangs on the stream.
Thou sittest enthroned, like the spirit of night,
And the stars through thy zone shed a tremulous light;
The moon is still sleeping beneath the wide sea,
Whilst wonder is keeping her vigils with me.
The bow of the covenant brightens the storm,
When its dark wings are shading the brow of the morn;
But thou art uncradled by vapour or cloud,
Thy glory’s unshaded by night’s sable shroud.
Oh whence is thy splendour, fair luminous bow?
From light’s golden chalice thy radiance must flow;
Thou look’st from the throne of thy beauty above
On this desolate earth, like the spirit of love!
Note: THIS RAINBOW (The Bow of the Covenant) WAS WITNESSED BY THE AUTHOR, (Susanna Strickland Moodie,) ON THE NIGHT OF THE 29th OF SEPTEMBER, 1829.